Thursday, January 28, 2010

"Don't worry. Things will get worse." George Skelton

Hi everyone, Im SO sorry it has been so long since my last update. Our computer has been having some MAJOR issues.
So today was Kirstens first day at NCCS, *sniffle, sniffle* but i know we will remaine best friends so that is a small comfort considering i am in the "depths of despair". Haha, what movie/book is that from... anyone? anyone? You guys should know this!
So i went for a jog today, NO lie: i literally ran for almost a whole mile, but i collapsed at the end. Literally... i fell on the sidewalk at the entrance to our court... then i crawled and then i shuffled my way home. My mom laughed... ahh so supportive that woman. :)
Today has just been an all around bad day, i had to wake up VERY early before bio so i could shower. After two minutes in the shower the water quickly started to turn cold and i had JUST put conditioner in my hair. So i grit my teeth and turned the water on(it was FREEZING) and i as quickly as i could tryed to get the conditioner out... i was crying and trying to keep from screaming(my dad had already left, and everyone else was sleeping). Once i finally got the conditioner out i realized: I forgot a towel. So i decided i was either going to use the washcloth that we use to clean my dog or the bathroom rug.

I used the bathroom rug.

You could pretty much say i was in a "dont talk to me or ill bite off your head" kinda mood from then on. But by the time my dad got home i was able to keep it calm when i lectured him on why "40 minute" showers are not appropriate when others wish to bathe in water that will not give them phenominia.......

I am now sick with a cough, stuffy nose, and also Im throwing up sick.

Moral of the story: Unless one enjoys taking showers with arctic temperatures... shower in the evenings.


  1. Oh Mads -I love you. Keep writing - you are a "Vocabulous" writer!! I love hearing about your days through your crazy sense of humor...
